Sunday, 9 January 2011

Google and Your Web Site

Posted by | Sunday, 9 January 2011 | Category: | 0 comments
Google’s come-one, come-all advertising programs (AdWords and AdSense) are enticing to every Webmaster with entrepreneurial inclinations. “The main   Google index — a marketing venue in itself — presents you with three significant opportunities for business growth:”  [1] Google search listings. Getting into the listings (see Chapter 2) is the first major step. As you work your way in, concentrate on building up your PageRank (see Chapter 3). Many Webmasters...

The Three Goals of Every Webmaster

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Innumerable business plans operate side by side on the Web. But all these sites — online stores, travel agencies, virtual magazines, community portals, even modest personal sites — share three fundamental goals: Chapter 1: Meeting the Business Side of Google 17 [1] Increase presence. Putting up a Web site is like mounting a billboard in a desert: Nobody sees it. Chapter 3 explains how to network your site to greater visibility by getting other sites to link to it. In...

Google’s Empowerment Model

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At the top of this chapter, I stated that Google’s business model makes money when you do. But as I also mentioned, Google makes money even if you don’t. That’s not a situation Google likes, and it tries to help you correct it, as I discuss  n Part II. Google wants you to succeed. 16 Part I: Meeting the Other Side of Google This reciprocity is built into Google’s advertising services in three ways: [1] They are democratic. Anyone can get involved, from a first-time...

Two Sides of the Google Coin

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Google is really two companies: Google the search engine and Google the business-services company. Together, the two sides form Google the media company. Along the same lines, Google is employed by two breeds of user: consumers who are searching and business partners of all sizes who seek online visibility. Google’s two sides can’t be separated like an Oreo cookie; they’re stuck together by keywords. Keywords typed into the search engine are used also to determine...

Google and Its Competition

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Google’s dominance of consumer searching is awesome. There has been no such near-monopoly since Yahoo! was the only important search-and-find Web destination in 1994. The numbers have become a familiar mantra: more than 200 million searches a day, constituting about 50 percent of global search queries. Alongside those numbers looms Google’s activity as a business partner to businesses of all sizes. In that arena, Google also dominates, though its clout varies depending...

Funny girls and ladies wallpaper collection

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You May or may not know How FUNNY the girls and ladies are!!!!!большие сладкие девочки и свалки, жиров и красочные дамы здесь. Вы можетесмеяться с этой картиной. И поделиться со своими друзьями и семьями. Почемувы удержаться от смеха?Другие Картинкиhere is some rear and very funny girl and ladies picture Meeting the BusinessSide of GoogleLike Yahoo! and eBay before it, Google came on the scene with good technologyand then needed to work out a way to make money. Fortunately,that’s...

Saturday, 8 January 2011

a large collection of funny videos

Posted by | Saturday, 8 January 2011 | Category: | 0 comments
Accidents are not funny. Here you will find a large collection of funny videos accidents. Never Loch. Silence .... ha ha ha a large collection of videos ...
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